Enraged Bonk

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A tiny pixie with dirty black hair stands here. With the attitude of a pixie 500 times his size he glares at his small army of insane pygmie pixies. Soon, he thinks, they will be ready to take over Thorngate. He snarls at your approach with a fury that only someone who has seen countless of his kin slaughtered could exhibit.

Keywords: bonk, enraged.
Scan Description: Bonk, enraged at aeons of bonking, will kill you..
Level: 200+??.
Alignment: Saintly.
Flags: aggressive, steadfast, warlord, stunning.
Affects: sanctuary, detect invis, detect hidden, solitude.


The enraged Bonk is using:
<used as light>     Bonk's Belt Of Blades(1)
<held in offhand>   Bonk's Battle Buckler(2)
<wielded>           Bonk's Battle Buckler

MobName is carrying:

(1) - item is really leg slot item.

(2) - item can not be wielded by mortals in offhand.


A potential Realm Guardian that can be encountered when opening the Shard Realms


Area: Shard Areas Unlocks.
Room: Random - depends on gear room of Unlock.