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{{World Of Stone}}
''The World of Stone is the Elemental Plane of Earth. To a Midgaardian, the best way to describe it would be like moving through a solid block of stone. Rumor has it that extra-planar Elementals have a nasty habit of viewing Midgaardians as an impurity that must be destroyed.''
''The World of Stone is the Elemental Plane of Earth. To a Midgaardian, the best way to describe it would be like moving through a solid block of stone. Rumor has it that extra-planar Elementals have a nasty habit of viewing Midgaardians as an impurity that must be destroyed.''
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== Directions ==
== Directions ==
Planeshift to earth/stone.
== Connections ==
== Connections ==
== Navigation ==
== Navigation ==
Most of the rooms will have no obvious exits, so scan is not useful. Most of them have hidden exits in most directions.
The nexus to an Endless Void is 4wn from shift.
== Adventuring ==
== Adventuring ==
There's some new funkiness in this area.
=== Golem Quest ===
[[Orie Stonesinger]], a gnome, is in a room entitled "The golem laboratory". This is related to the golem quest - which the gargoyles need to complete to be able to remort into a golem.
Going 2s, 2w, u from shift ends in a no-spell, no-hog room with 5 [[Obsidian Lord]]s and a [[Huge Earth Elemental]]. If you have one or two arc/fus scattering, the room is much easier. Otherwise, the group needs to have (at least) 8-9 brutes in a long chain, and the fight will take substantial time.
Once cleared, there will be a local message (possibly after a short delay, don't panic) about a small space that opened up to the north large enough for 1 person. The gargoyle here needs to go north (another no-hog room), and subsequently kill Orie. The rest of the group is free to go back down, out of the no-spell room, and homeshift at will. Lingering too long is dangerous as the room will repop eventually (often very soon, if the fight took long, as it usually does). This is not a reboot-only quest.
Once Orie is dead, remorting into a golem will be allowed. Failing to kill Orie simply means the quest needs to be re-attempted, there are no permanent penalties.
Orie's room appears to prevent planeshift and homeshift, but you can leave by teleporting out (c tele stone giant, c homeshift).
=== Lord 1 fdk quest ===
If you are a lord firedrake trying to do your first evolution quest, the way to the [[Soulchar Desolation]] is e2n from shift.  Entering the gateway will take you to the area.  The firedrake Daxtraul is found dwnw; send the firedrake to listen to his long mobprog to start the quest.
== Lord 25 Stone Giant Quest ==
Recommended Group size of 7-9 Lords
The group that did this quest was 8 Lords with a mix of FP and Brutes.
Tanks shift to Stone followed by rest of group. After taking shift, portal to Stone Giant. He will run through the opening of the quest after your giant says start. He will tell you to go to quartz bubble in Earth . PP to Quartz .... AGGIE ... send the tanks first . After killing the quartz you will see no obvious exits . If you move 1 e or n or s or w you will find the sinkhole depending on which of the 4 quartz you portaled to . after finding the sinkhole it is 2w . There your giant should be infused .
Portal back to stone giant and the giant will finish the rest of the spiel to make you a Stone Giant .  
If you type "where gnome" you can see a mob named [[Orie Stonesinger]] in a room entitled "The golem laboratory".
As with all other Elemental Giant quests you can at this point choose to reroll . This will reroll you as aethiest . For ALL giants this is recommended as you will gain mana and lose about 2K HP. The giant who did this quest went from 500 to a bit over 1K mana and lost 2K ish hp.  
I tried tracking him.  If you go 2s, 2w, u from shift you'll find yourself in a nospell room with 5 [[Obsidian Lord]]s and a [[Huge Earth Elemental]].
Do not forget as with all rerolls to Reworship . The ablute and reroll that the stone giant does on you will clear your worship at same time.  
Considering the fact that the only exits are locked and the room is cursed, the whole group died.  Before we died, I noticed that the only exits were down (the way we came) and north.  If you're not familiar with stone proper, scan is worthless, so you never know what you're going to find in the next room.  Therefore, even if you clear this nasty room, there's no way to tell what awaits you in the next.
Anyways, this all smells like the golem quest to me.  Feel free to explore it more if you beat me to it, and please report back here with any updates or results.
[[Category:Lord Areas]]
[[Category:Lord Areas]]
[[Category:World Of Stone]]
[[Category:World Of Stone]]
[[Category:Areas That Need Descriptions]]
[[Category:Areas That Need Descriptions]]

Revision as of 23:23, 3 May 2018

Airscape (Gear)
Arcadia (Gear)
Astral (Gear)
Firerealm (Gear)
Karnath (Gear)
Kzinti Homeworld (Gear)
Midgaardia (Gear)
Noctopia (Gear)
Nowhere (Gear)
Outland (Gear)
Tarterus (Gear)
Thorngate (Gear)
Water (Gear)
World Of Stone (Gear)
Hell (Gear)
Horavacui (Gear)
Areas in World Of Stone
Mountain Of Madness (Gear)
World Of Stone Proper (Gear)
Soulchar Desolation (fdk evol)

The World of Stone is the Elemental Plane of Earth. To a Midgaardian, the best way to describe it would be like moving through a solid block of stone. Rumor has it that extra-planar Elementals have a nasty habit of viewing Midgaardians as an impurity that must be destroyed.

Builder: Crowe


Planeshift to earth/stone.



Most of the rooms will have no obvious exits, so scan is not useful. Most of them have hidden exits in most directions.

The nexus to an Endless Void is 4wn from shift.


Golem Quest

Orie Stonesinger, a gnome, is in a room entitled "The golem laboratory". This is related to the golem quest - which the gargoyles need to complete to be able to remort into a golem.

Going 2s, 2w, u from shift ends in a no-spell, no-hog room with 5 Obsidian Lords and a Huge Earth Elemental. If you have one or two arc/fus scattering, the room is much easier. Otherwise, the group needs to have (at least) 8-9 brutes in a long chain, and the fight will take substantial time.

Once cleared, there will be a local message (possibly after a short delay, don't panic) about a small space that opened up to the north large enough for 1 person. The gargoyle here needs to go north (another no-hog room), and subsequently kill Orie. The rest of the group is free to go back down, out of the no-spell room, and homeshift at will. Lingering too long is dangerous as the room will repop eventually (often very soon, if the fight took long, as it usually does). This is not a reboot-only quest.

Once Orie is dead, remorting into a golem will be allowed. Failing to kill Orie simply means the quest needs to be re-attempted, there are no permanent penalties.

Orie's room appears to prevent planeshift and homeshift, but you can leave by teleporting out (c tele stone giant, c homeshift).

Lord 1 fdk quest

If you are a lord firedrake trying to do your first evolution quest, the way to the Soulchar Desolation is e2n from shift. Entering the gateway will take you to the area. The firedrake Daxtraul is found dwnw; send the firedrake to listen to his long mobprog to start the quest.

Lord 25 Stone Giant Quest

Recommended Group size of 7-9 Lords

The group that did this quest was 8 Lords with a mix of FP and Brutes.

Tanks shift to Stone followed by rest of group. After taking shift, portal to Stone Giant. He will run through the opening of the quest after your giant says start. He will tell you to go to quartz bubble in Earth . PP to Quartz .... AGGIE ... send the tanks first . After killing the quartz you will see no obvious exits . If you move 1 e or n or s or w you will find the sinkhole depending on which of the 4 quartz you portaled to . after finding the sinkhole it is 2w . There your giant should be infused .

Portal back to stone giant and the giant will finish the rest of the spiel to make you a Stone Giant .

As with all other Elemental Giant quests you can at this point choose to reroll . This will reroll you as aethiest . For ALL giants this is recommended as you will gain mana and lose about 2K HP. The giant who did this quest went from 500 to a bit over 1K mana and lost 2K ish hp.

Do not forget as with all rerolls to Reworship . The ablute and reroll that the stone giant does on you will clear your worship at same time.


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.