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Fire: Up: Majestic dragon, Down: Iconoclaster
Fire: Up: Majestic dragon, Down: Iconoclaster
We have seen special rooms for sure in fire, kzin, stone, water, arc, air, tart. I think there are also special rooms in astral, karn, noct, out.
== Unlocking Realm of Chaos ==
== Unlocking Realm of Chaos ==

Revision as of 01:05, 9 September 2022

Airscape (Gear)
Arcadia (Gear)
Astral (Gear)
Firerealm (Gear)
Karnath (Gear)
Kzinti Homeworld (Gear)
Midgaardia (Gear)
Noctopia (Gear)
Nowhere (Gear)
Outland (Gear)
Tarterus (Gear)
Thorngate (Gear)
Water (Gear)
World Of Stone (Gear)
Hell (Gear)
Horavacui (Gear)
Areas in Astral
Astral Invasion (Gear)
Astral Plane (Gear)
Memory Lane (Gear)
Domain of Law (Gear)

The push and pull of Law and Chaos as they try to influence the planes is rarely noticed by planar inhabitants though they sometimes play a role for one side or the other. Champions of either side usually act indirectly but sometimes a hands-on approach is needed.

The kaleidoscope of their interactions can be seen in the furthest reaches of the realms and even more so at the doorsteps of Chaos and Law.


Planeshift to Astral and go d, d, w


Go east,east to visit the Realm of Chaos.


Visit the dragon Bestellen and 'salute' to start your trip.

This leads to a modest-sized maze of rooms called "White Strands". The maze seems to get smaller as you kill more lattice workers? Exploring long enough gets you to a room with one exit, Down, to the Astral Dragon.


Bestellen gives out quests and you can cash in the results for insignia.

IMPORTANT: "salute bestellen" before you start any quests.

"kneel bestellen" to see your progress or to redeem progress.

There are 7 total, plus a reward for completing them all.

(Quest 1) Visit all 8 corners of the uncollapsed cube. Doesn't have to be in one trip.

(Quest 2) Kill the axial dragon. +1 int/wis/con/dex/str. (Long Arm of the Law)

(Quest 3) Kill the chaos room. +1 int/wis/con/dex/str. (Law Bringer)

(Quest 4) Participate in shape sorting (Geometry below). +2% hp/mana regen. (Law and Order.)

(Quest 5) Give exceptionally useless trinket to Alleg. +1 int/wis/con/dex/str. (Above the Law)

(Quest 6) (NOT CONFIRMED) Visit all the special rooms in Chaos which contain exits to other planes. Perhaps also take at least one exit. +1hr/+1dr -1ac.

(Quest 7) ???

Example progress update:

 (1) Bestellen says 'You have yet to achieve the Cornerstones of Law.'
 (2) Bestellen says 'You have already been recognized for slaying the dragon.' Bestellen says 'But thank you again Dragon Slayer.'
 (3) Bestellen says 'You have yet to face the maelstrom.' ==>>> Bestellen says 'Chaos has been Vanquished! Let all recognize your accomplishments.' ==>> 'Thank you again for Vanquishing Chaos.'
 (4) Bestellen says 'Keep trying to put those square pegs in the round holes.' ==>> 'I feel so much better now that you have put Everything in its Place.' ==>> 'You have already been rewarded for putting Everything in its Place.'
 (5) Bestellen says 'The most usless of things still must have purpose if Law is to prevail.'
 (6) Bestellen says 'You won't fully understand our enemy until you find your way through their realm.' => ?? => 'A true Explorer finds opportunities and shortcuts in Chaos.'
 (7) Bestellen says 'If you walk in my footsteps long enough you may yet understand Law the way I do.'
 Bestellen says 'Someday you will have accomplished it all.'


Lattice workers have 3 keywords ("spider" - 40 mobs; "caterpillar" - 38 mobs, and "fly" - 40 mobs).

Mobs in this area are all good aligned, so bring someone who can preach absolve or you will lose anti-neutral gear.


One sub-quest in Domain of Law is shape-related.

(1) There are 3 special shape rooms.

(2) *Once per character's incarnation* you can fill the hole (a single player can only ever fill hole 1 once, fill hole 2 once, fill hole 3 once, etc). Subsequent attempts by the same character to fill the hole will fail.

If you're in the room you'll get credit for completing that hole.

(3) Complete all 3 holes and win a special insignia prize!


Some lattice workers carry shapes, which are trash type, weight 50 objects that are cursed. Shapes we have seen:

  • torus
  • hexagonal prism
  • triangular prism
  • cylinder
  • rhombus
  • ellpisoid
  • sphere
  • cone
  • cube
  • icosahedron
  • tetrahedron
  • square pyramid
  • octahedron
 Object 'triangular prism' type trash, extra flags glow hum magic nolocate.
 Weight 50, value 9300, level 125.
 Object Quality (500 / 500 hps)

Shapes load cursed and the first room is nospell, so remove curse in advance or bring a nospell remove-curse item (traveller's holy symbol / sceptre of controlling shadows).

Shape sorting

At the end of your journey, you'll enter the Axial Dragon's room. The first 3 times you enter you're sent to one of 3 different rooms:

 The Axial Dragon draws a deep breath, pulling everyone in the vicinity closer.
 Force is released from the dragon's maw, throwing you like a twig through the air.

Once you've filled all 3 holes, then done "kneel bestellen", you'll get a special hole-filling reward.

Holes we have seen in first room:

  • A score of triangles are cut into the white surface. (put icosahedron hole)
  • "hole looks like a cube would fit inside if it has been warped slightly from its perfect shape" (put rhombus hole)
  • hole for cylinder

Holes we have seen in the second room:

  • It appears that a globe would be needed to fill the hole. (put sphere hole)
  • perfect circle that gets smaller and smaller until the hole ends at a point (put cone hole)
  • The indentation appears to be a perfect circle that gets smaller and smaller until the hole ends at a smaller circle. (put frustum hole)
  • "The interior of the indentation is perfectly regular. Each of the cube hole's five square sides meets at a right angle." (put cube hole)

Holes we have seen in the third room:

  • egg-shaped (put ellipsoid hole)
  • perfect square that gets smaller and smaller until the hole ends at a point (square pyramid)
  • "Gazing into the trianglur cavity you can see that something gouged out a hole that has uniform dimensions on all eight sides." (octahedron?)

The shape is consumed, and the hole disappears.

Special Chaos exits

The Realm of Chaos is scattered across multiple different areas in multiple different planes (all named Realm of Chaos).

Throughout the Realm of Chaos there are special rooms, one per plane, which may have 4 or 6 exits.

Example of a special room:

 The Abyss
 [Exits: north east south west]
 Faces of various sizes fade in and out of the ether, never quite fully
 forming, yet solid enough to obstruct the view of what lies beyond.
 They seem to be canine from their features, but this may just be
 influenced by the barking noises they are making.
 Players near you in Tarterus Plane, Area - { LORD } Ctibor  Realm of Chaos

Sometimes, some of these rooms have 6 exits. When they have 6 exits, the up and down exits lead to interesting places on their host planes:

Tarterus: garden statues

Kzin: Spire mob gear room

Fire: Up: Majestic dragon, Down: Iconoclaster

We have seen special rooms for sure in fire, kzin, stone, water, arc, air, tart. I think there are also special rooms in astral, karn, noct, out.

Unlocking Realm of Chaos

After you give the perfect dragon scale to Bestellen he drops a tablet on the floor and says

 Bestellen says 'The directions etched into this tablet will guide you through the chaos to its heart.'
 Bestellen says 'Follow them exactly after you first step into chaos from the rainbow portal.'
 Bestellen says 'If you stray from the path you will have to start at the first step again.'

He drops a tablet on the floor in his room that has some directions:

    (Glowing) A tablet rests on a solid, white pedestal placed just before the throne.
 You look at the white tablet here...
 Directions through the chaos have been etched deeply into the tablet.
 The tablet appears to be part of the pedestal so you will probably
 have to write them down on something if you want to take them with

One time, these were edswdeeuesdn. These directions lead to a large room (8 mobs, they hit a trl sor soloing for about 30k/round, Kinetisch is a big one).

If you give him something after this, but before killing the Realm of Chaos mobs, he drops it:

 You give a bright ball of light to Bestellen.
 Bestellen says 'I cannot accept anything until the task in chaos is complete.'
 Bestellen drops everything.

He also gives a clue that something on the Chaos side can improve the base of manifest gear:

 say 'chaos'
 Bestellen says 'Epic armor doesn't always reach full potential when created.'
 Bestellen says 'This has a chance of changing that outcome if used by the right hands.'


Bestellen gives clues about area mechanics and rewards. Try:

 say dragon
 Bestellen says 'The dragon can project the force of Law.' 
 Bestellen says 'This expunges chaos from its presence for a short time.' 
 Bestellen says 'It can only do this a limited number of times.

 say tesseract
 Bestellen says 'The tesseract is the embodiement of true law.'
 Bestellen says 'At its core rests perfection incarnate in the form of a dragon.'

 say poly trinket
 Bestellen says 'This could be used for almost anything.'
 Bestellen says 'Assuming the anything is something useless.'

 say bound chaos
 Bestellen says 'Epic armor doesn't always reach full potential when created.'
 Bestellen says 'This has a chance of changing that outcome if used by the right hands.'

We also found an invisible mob called The Tesseract when someone accidentally scattershotted it and died immediately:

 The Tesseract fades into existence.
 The Tesseract's attacks strike Baeindor 10 times, with terminal brutality!
 Baeindor is DEAD!!
 [DEATH INFO]: Baeindor killed by The Tesseract in White Strands (22638).
 (Hide) (Flying) (White Aura) (Sneak) A collapsing cube reflects all of time and space.
 look tesseract
 Mprog control mob for rooms in Domain of Law.
 The Tesseract is in perfect health.
 You peek at the inventory:

Bestellen's room is noregen (but spring rain works).


The axial dragon has:

  • perfect dragon scale: Give this to Bestellen and he'll drop a tablet on the floor, unlocking Realm of Chaos.
  • 2x orderly dragon scale: These are worth 5qp if you hand them to Knutselaar.
  • yet another dragon scale: give to Allegaagse for esteem points. Don't bother using on a Task Master alt.

The chaos side has:

  • bound chaos: treasure item. Allows a lord manifest item to be rerolled.
  • poly trinket (Ever changing junk): Accepted by Alleg in place of any other item.
  • exceptionally useless item - give to alleg, then give to bestellen and kneel for a special insignia


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Domain of Law"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.