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Some useful highlights.
;;; Channel highlights/gags /def -mregexp -ag -t' town crier congratulates ([a-zA-Z]+) on (.*)!' gag_grtz /def -ag -mglob -t"People who share your buddy value:" gag_buddyshare ;;; Quest vial highlights (on ground and inventory). /def -mregexp -ag -t"^([\(\)0-9 ]*)([a-zA-Z\(\) ]+)[aA]+[n]* (.*) vial (of healing|sits here\.)$" quest_pot_sub = \ /let vialtype=%P3%; \ /if ({vialtype} =~ "red striped") /let hspells=heal%;/let spcolor=@{Cred}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "orange-brown") /let hspells=cure serious%;/let spcolor=@{Cyellow}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "orange") /let hspells=heal, cure light, cure critical%;/let spcolor=@{hCyellow}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "light brown") /let hspells=cure light%;/let spcolor=@{Cyellow}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "yellow") /let hspells=heal, cure serious%;/let spcolor=@{Cyellow}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "yellow-brown") /let hspells=heal, cure light%;/let spcolor=@{Cyellow}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "yellow-orange") /let hspells=heal, cure critical%;/let spcolor=@{Cyellow}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "reddish-brown") /let hspells=cure critical%;/let spcolor=@{Cred}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "orange-red") /let hspells=cure critical, cure light%;/let spcolor=@{Cred}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "red-brown") /let hspells=divinity%;/let spcolor=@{Cred}%; \ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "red-orange") /let hspells=divinity, cure light%;/let spcolor=@{Cred}%;\ /elseif ({vialtype} =~ "red") /let hspells=divinity, cure serious%;/let spcolor=@{Cred}%;\ /else /let hspells=N/A%;/let spcolor=@{Cwhite}%; \ /endif%; \ /echo -pw @{Cwhite}%{P1}%{P2}%{spcolor}%{vialtype} @{xCwhite}vial %P4 @{xCgreen}(%{spcolor}%{hspells}@{xCgreen})@{n} ;;; Battle highlights /def -aufhCwhite -P -mregexp -t"You are blinded\!" high_self_blinded /def -abufhCred -P -mregexp -t"You are zapped by" high_self_zapped /def -abufhCcyan -P -mregexp -t"disarms you and sends your weapon flying\!" high_self_disarmed /def -abufCyellow -P -mregexp -t"You frantically attempt to remove" high_self_decepted /def -p1 -mglob -ag -t"* flies out of *'s hand to attack *" high_gag_dwspam /def -p0 -mglob -ag -t"* scans in all directions, looking for trouble\!" high_gag_scan_spam ;;; Examine-type highlights /def -mregexp -aCyellow -t'^This has roughly ([0-9]+) uses remaining.' high_useremain /def -mglob -ahCyellow -t'Disarming traps.' high_disarmingtrap /def -mregexp -aCyellow -t'^It has roughly ([0-9]+) uses remaining.' high_fletchkitremain /def -mregexp -ahCyellow -t'^Each one carries ([a-zA-Z\-]+), a.*$' high_poisonarrowaff /def -mregexp -ag -mregexp -t'^It (improves|facilitates) ([a-zA-Z ]+).' high_archermodsaff = \ /echo -pw @{Cyellow}It %P1 @{hCgreen}%P2@{xCyellow}. /def -mregexp -ahCyellow -t'^It carries roughly ([0-9]+) doses of ([a-zA-Z \-]+), a.*$' high_poisonweapaff /def -mregexp -ag -t'^Picking locks on ([a-zA-Z \-]+)' high_picklockaff = \ /echo -pw @{Cyellow}Picking locks on @{hCgreen}%P1@{xCyellow}.@{n}