Category:Outland Proper

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Airscape (Gear)
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Astral (Gear)
Firerealm (Gear)
Karnath (Gear)
Kzinti Homeworld (Gear)
Midgaardia (Gear)
Noctopia (Gear)
Nowhere (Gear)
Outland (Gear)
Tarterus (Gear)
Thorngate (Gear)
Water (Gear)
World Of Stone (Gear)
Hell (Gear)
Horavacui (Gear)
Areas in Outland
Githzerai Keep (Gear)
Outland Proper (Gear)

The cracked, rough surface of Outland has long been the scene of bloodshed between the githzerai and the githyanki. The githyanki established supremacy and pushed the githzerai back into their keep where they have bided their time, growing stronger and preparing to one day retake the surface lands, while the githyanki have wasted their skills on foolish Midgaardian interlopers. Now the time has come and the githzerai have launched a counter-offensive, sending their forces against their ancient foes. Tread lightly, as neither group cares for you!

Builder: Snikt





Outland proper is a great place for experience for a group of size 7-11, when there are enough but not too many Lords on. With enough casters -- especially Sorcerors -- in your group, it is fairly easy to lead a run of over 1K exp.

Be careful right at shift, as occasionally there can be a large swarm of 5-6 mobs (wastesweepers will walk in and aggie).

Mobs to beware of are 1 stabber (on scan: Moving silently, a githzerai stalks a githyanki). Butcher is big and wields (on scan: The serene look of insanity, perhaps the last thing you ever see) and champion hurts a lot and casts meteor swarm (on scan: A massive githzerai swaggers toward you). If you see an exit going down, don't take this, as it leads to the Silver Chestplate run.

For regenerating, make sure no mobs are on scan, and sleep away. Alternatively, make your way to the sentinels (on scan: 2 x A githyanki scans the horizon, alert for any danger). However, try to clear all the mobs in adjacent rooms before sleeping. Or, recall to shift, clear surrounding area, and sleep there (infirmary).

Most of the rooms are homeshiftable.


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.