Seasoned Ranger

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Revision as of 01:29, 26 January 2012 by Belag (talk | contribs) (fixed level)
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The features of this man are set into a thoughtful frown. Keeping his eyes on the dangerous surroundings with the blurred but non-faltering attention of the experienced stalker he is able to focus his mind on larger puzzle of this place. Noticing you right away he still lets some time drift past before saying with the hoarse voice of someone who has not broken silence for a long time.

Keywords: seasoned, ranger.
Level: 75.
Alignment: ??.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: hide, sneak.


A seasoned ranger is using:
<used as light>     (Glowing) an elvish guiding light
<worn on feet>      a weather-bleached leather vest
<worn about waist>  a belt wrought of silk
<wielded>           an oaken-hilted blade
You peek at the inventory:
    a packet of elven waybread



Area: Transfigured Forest (Map).
Room(s): On crumbling stone (cursed).

Walking route from stone trickster: ess, Pull bloom, 2sesese3sd2e.