Eragora Default Recall

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A Small Campfire

Reminiscent of Nom's campsite, a small campfire crackles without
tending, with small stones surrounding the outside, keeping the fire
within. Small twigs and dead leaves lie scattered nearby. Oddly, no
smoke rises to the sky; here only silence chooses to descend.

Beyond, a small scraggly pathway extends up a hill towards a grove of

Room Exits: south, up

Room Type: infirmary

Description Details

This is the default recallable point in Eragora, similar to Aelmon in Midgaardia proper. Recall reset command will set the recall here.

The room is also an infirmary, but is not a safe room, meaning it cannot be used to save spells, and hostile aggies may enter the room and attack you. Do not idle here.

The up connection leads to the Eragora Walkways' "cloud" room, a respawn point for those that die in the Eragora Walkways area.


This room has been recently made quittable. The up connection (local cloud) is still noquit. Room is not safe, so unless you wish to be aggied on login, you're probably better off teleporting to a non-aggie room and quitting there. You can add tree branches and hefty logs to the fire to make it a safe infirmary.

A reliable pp to get here could be Akrikto with the path of: [n], n, w, 3n, w, 2n, u, 2n