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Racials are innate abilities that certain races are born with. Some are automatic and continuous; some are automatic and sporadic; others are voluntary and require you type a command to use them. To see the racial abilities intrinsic to a specific race, simply type racial <race abbreviation>. To use a racial which is not automatic, type racial <racialname>. There are quite a few racial abilities. Here is a roughly classified list:

Offensive Capabilities:                           Intrinsic Qualities:     (automatic)
 * berserk     (automatic)                         * abomination
 * charge      (voluntary)                         * construct
 * breath      (voluntary)                         * earth-embrace
 * frenzy      (voluntary)                         * evil
 * kick        (voluntary)                         * greed
 * powerswing  (automatic)                         * haggle
 * powerthrust (automatic)                         * infravision
 * imbue       (voluntary)                         * nofear
 * gallop      (voluntary)                         * nosun
                                                   * seeinvis
Additional Attacks:      (automatic)               * survey
 * bite                                            * swim                   
 * claw                                            * tranquility
 * hoof                                            * wimpy
 * tail
Defensive Capabilities: (automatic)               Miscellaneous Abilities: (voluntary)
 * armorancient                                    * butcher
 * armorbark                                       * fly
 * armorhide                                       * hide
 * armorleather                                    * invis
 * armorscale                                      * movehidden
 * armorsteel                                      * sneak 
 * armorstone
 * dodge
 * hardheaded

See also Racial and Racial Armor.


This category has the following 89 subcategories, out of 89 total.


Pages in category "Racials"

The following 100 pages are in this category, out of 100 total.