Advanced Bladedancer Skills

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When you deliberately end one dance by changing to another in combat, this skill will trigger a bonus effect. The longer you had been performing the prior dance, the more potent the effect. If the prior dance is less than 3 ticks old, Tempo Change will not trigger.

Each dance has its own Advanced Skill which also factors into Tempo Change's effectiveness. Like all Advanced Skills, these cost extra practices to learn and can only be practiced to 50%. Further training must come through usage.

 SKILL            DANCE            EFFECT
 Blade Blessing   Bladedance       Grant a hit and damage bonus to your group.
 Bountiful Step   Unending Dance   Your next dance has incresed duration.
 Epiphany         Inspiring Dance  Grant a mana bloom to your group.
 Iron Veil        Veil of Blades   Grant yourself an AC bonus.
 Thousand Cuts    Dervish Dance    Grant your group extra attack chance.



Note you can't have two blade blessings at once.