Immature Cho-ja Warrior
Vaguely reminiscent of an ant, apart from it being 8' tall. This cho-ja exhibits a huge lower rear abdomen and broad powerful shoulders. The abdomen has four three-jointed legs and is surmounted by a smaller upper thorax, roughly comparable to a man's torso, with two almost human arms. His flesh is encased in shiny black chitin, and each forearm possesses a natural ridge that appears as sharp as a sword edge. The face is oval, with multifaceted eyes like metal, above two slits where a nose should be. The cho-ja's jaw and mouth are surprisingly human in appearance, and emits a variety of agitated clicks and whistles.
Keywords: cho-ja warrior insectoid.
Level: 17-19.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: steadfast, protected, aggressive.
Affects: detect invis, detect hidden, infravision.
The immature cho-ja warrior is using: <worn around neck> chitinous cho-ja wings
Area: Cho-ja Hive (Map).
Room(s): The Hatchery.
Walking route from Sol: 3e, 2n, 3e, 8n, 5e, 2n, 6e, 3s, 6e, 3n, 5e, n, [d], n, d, w, n, d.
Walking route from Aelmon: 19n, 3e, 3n, 5e, n, [d], n, d, w, n, d.