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syntax:   qi
    or    qi show

Qi is a mystical force that permeates the Planescape.  Only highly
advanced (Lord+) Monk and Shadowfists have discovered how to manipulate
and control Qi through self-discipline and mastery of their own bodies.

Such practioners distinguish between two types of Qi.  Inner Qi remains
focused within one's own body.  It is built up through the mindful use
of certain martial abilities (listed below).

Outer Qi can be focused onto others with truly powerful results.
It is built up through the use of Inner Qi.

The maximum amount of Qi that you can store is dictated by your Wisdom.
Typing qi with no arguments will show you all the Qi-related abilities
that you have access to.  Typing qi show will show you have much
Inner and Outer Qi you have accumulated.  Prompt symbols also exist to
help you keep track of your Inner & Outer Qi.  See HELP PROMPT for more

Qi is meant to be built up through active gameplay.  As such, counter-
 attacks do not yield Qi, and you cannot save your Qi when you log out.
Accumulated Qi naturally degrades over time if you do not use it.

Abilities that yield Inner Qi include kick, rescue, trip, toss,
shatter strike, and chakra strike.

Lord shadowfists will also gain Inner Qi when performing vital shots
and quickstrikes.


Inner Qi: can be consumed for defensive abilities, or converted to Outer Qi.

Outer Qi: can be consumed for offensive abilities.

To drain or attack a mob's Qi, you need to perform a chakra scan, which is basically:

look <mobkeyword> chakra

Tips and Tricks

To help with this, I made an in game alias.

alias ll look %1 chakra

alias ?ll
Alias filter: ?ll
Alias Name     Alias String
ll             look %1 chakra

When you do this to a mob, you'll see one of (color is random):

The lost spirit of Pascilon's purple chakra pulses with brilliant energy.


A living essence of water's chakras are not empowered.

Then you can chakra strike, invert, or drain the color.

qi drain purple

If the mob does not have any chakras you can:

Qi Skills Table

Offensive abilities
Skill consumes Qi affects
crushing punch 2 inner → 1 outer damage; requires stone fist; can stun mob
unicorn thrust 2 inner → 1 outer more damage; requires dagger hand
chakra strike 1 inner → 1 outer damage
Shadowfist skills
burning fury 5 inner + 1 per round extra normal attacks
chakra drain 3 inner → 1 outer mob damage; by color: RED, PURPLE
shadow blast 5 outer performs nice damage
shadow wave 10 outer performs better damage
shadow tsumani 10+ outer + 1/2 hps performs best damage; all outer; take dmg
Monk skills
chakra invert 3 inner → 1 outer damage; hinders mob
spirit blast 5 outer performs nice damage
spirit wave 10 outer performs better damage
spirit tsumani 10+ outer + 1/2 hps performs best damage; all outer; take dmg
Defensive abilities
Skill consumes Qi affects
Shadowfist skills
chakra drain 3 inner → 1 outer mob damage; by color: WHITE, YELLOW
Monk skills
flow like water 5 inner improves dodge