Category:Remort Races

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The remort process is how some of AVATAR's experimental or powerful races and classes are accessed. The user will be reset to a level 2 character of the new race, and their current class, or a level 2 character of the new class, and either human or their old race, depending on how high level they were when they remorted. The purpose of this is to give people a chance to try something different.

See also Remort, Remort Classes.

Remort Race:        Available to  ...  at Lord Subevel:*
Demons              Demonseeds                       ???
Demonseeds          all but Kobolds                  100
Dragons             all but Kobolds                  100
Goblins             Kobolds                           10
Golems              Gargoyles                         25
Griffons            all but Kobolds                  100
High Elves          Drow & Elves                      25
Hobgoblins          Goblins                           25
Minotaurs           all but Kobolds                  100
Sprites             all but Kobolds                   25
Trolls              all but Kobolds                   25
Tuataurs            Lizardmen & Troglodytes           25

*is 100 sublevels more for characters of remort classes.

Pages in category "Remort Races"

The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.